
Friday, June 7, 2019

Rio Bravo IV - Case Analysis Essay Example for Free

Rio Bravo IV Case Analysis Essay enquiry 1. Are there any justifiable reasons for this response by NUMMI/Toyota people? Or was it just nit-picking?Yes, there are justifiable reasons. In the Japanese culture, prime(prenominal) is the one of the most grievous determinates in choosing a supplier. They had ad hoc standards that they developed and applied throughout their entire organization, they expected the same from their supplier (drivel in Garbage out premise). They saw promise in Rio Bravo IVs willingness to adapt to these changes and they rose to meet the challenge because they soon realized the benefit of this strong TQM could bring in in the plant. In fact some concepts spread to Rio Bravo IVs suppliers, such as kanban (JIT?) having just enough products for the order to be shipped that day, thus eliminating works in get along and holding inventory.Question 2. This practice (restricting the reject holders) is an application of what concept from this chapter?This is a n example of undercapacity planning. Packard had the exceptional ability of organization through all levels of its production. Everything had order, a specific place, specific time plan. Packard originally had a large rack to place defective/undesirable products during which a certain period of time would be allotted for reviewing these problems and find out a solution (kaizen). By reducing the size of the rack, fewer defective/undesirable products could be placed on the rack, this forced people to develop solutions as they worked on the product. Also in the back of their head they realized that this left fewer room for error and variation in products. They even applied this sue to the drinking water, if water is not in the rack, it is destroyed, there is no room for excess capacity (inventory).Question 3. In what Rio Bravo IV operations would this draw method be effective? Discuss.It should be effective in all levels of their organization. Former CEO Jack Welch was a huge emphas is on eliminating non-value added functions. By eliminating non-value added functions and streamlining value added functions a organization is able to focus on what it needs to do to get a product to a customer, able to save be through elimination of non-value added functions, and most importantly it saves time for more focus on the value added steps. This elimination of non-value added rump be applied to manufacturing (as shown in Ex. A) and the king (eliminate papers and bureaucracy of signing off/getting recommendation).Question 4. What benefits in addition to protection do the box dividers offer? Discuss.The divider also offers take for from crushing the middle of the box. More importantly, the divider allows more than one product to be placed in a package, thus saving on shipping, this can help shorten the time devoted to labeling products (Ex. A). It can also allow for the expansion of multiple products being shipped.Question 5. What does this case suggest about wariness of the global company? What does it suggest about the influence of culture?Even if one does not manage an international company the environment of outside cultures should have an impact on its operations management. We have learned through our class that we studied the Japanese concept of kaizen (continuous improvement) and applied those to our own organizations, even if we did not right away do business with the Japanese. This is a concept of applying best practices to gain competitive advantage in a market.The concept of considering culture becomes even more important when directly dealing with a foreign culture. We must take into account their expectations in their culture in order to provide them with a high role product. The ability for an organization to adapt to a foreign cultures demand gives a firm a marketable competitive advantage. Many times these firms that have such high demands only want the best possible product. By learning theirbest practices and adapting to a cu stomers needs a firm gains needed information on the changing global environment.

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